Why Flossing is Important to Overall Oral Health

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When we don’t floss, we put ourselves at risk for major dental issues and problems. These dental issues include gingivitis, cavities, and gum disease. But how does flossing prevent these oral health issues?

Flossing removes plaque from our teeth that can cause tooth decay or gum disease. When we don’t floss, the plaque on our teeth builds up. Believe it or not, there are over 1,000 types of bacteria that are found in plaque. When this plaque builds up, the bacteria can irritate gum tissue, causing it to become inflamed. This results in bleeding when brushing or flossing, which makes space for even more bacteria to breed and cause gingivitis. Because regular flossing removes plaque and helps prevent the buildup of plaque, it reduces the risk of cavities and gingivitis developing which can occur as a result of plaque buildup. 

floss - dental hygiene Rockaway NJThe fact is, a toothbrush simply can’t reach all the tight spots in between our teeth to remove plaque buildup and leftover food. This is why it is essential for people to get to those hard-to-reach areas using dental floss.

A poor oral health care routine which does not involve flossing can also lead to gingivitis. When left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease. Bacteria from periodontal disease can enter a person’s bloodstream and travel to their heart or even their respiratory tract. By practicing good oral hygiene which includes brushing and flossing, you can reduce your risk of developing periodontal disease and other side effects of periodontal disease.

What Should My Oral Hygiene Routine Consist Of?

Plaque buildup, when ignored, results in bacteria growth which can destroy the enamel which is found in between our teeth. Which causes cavities and tooth decay. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice every day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and antimicrobial toothpaste to remove plaque. In addition to brushing your teeth twice a day, you should also floss at least once every day. Dentists recommend flossing with waxed floss right before you go to bed.

In addition to maintaining a good oral hygiene routine every day, you should also visit your dentist at least once every six months. Regular dental appointments are extremely important because they keep your teeth and your gums healthy. Regular appointments also they allow dentists to examine your overall oral health, remove plaque buildup, and catch issues early on before they turn into bigger problems. Regular dental visits can prevent tooth decay and gum disease while also improving your smile, saving you from potentially costly issues and oral health problems down the road.

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